[.lightbox] ABOUT RAP:I:STAN [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] RAP:I:STAN is a platform for young people with refugee and migrant backgrounds, who have a creative potential and an interest in artistic forms of expression that they want to put into play in Danish cultural life. [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] RAP:I:STAN works to build the necessary bridges and create relationships and experiences that ensure that Danish society does not lose a generation of new young citizens because they remain on the doorstep of Danish society rather than being included as an active and performing part of it [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] We offer an alternative method of integration, using hip hop — art, music, dance, and rap as a tool to get young people interested in the surrounding community, express thoughts and attitudes, and engage in community and project work with other young people. [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] The project has shown great results and has been highlighted, among other things, by European Commission as a good example of how the cultural sector can contribute to a better integration of refugees. [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] ABOUT RAP:I:STAN [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] RAP:I:STAN is a platform for young people with refugee and migrant backgrounds, who have a creative potential and an interest in artistic forms of expression that they want to put into play in Danish cultural life. [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] RAP:I:STAN works to build the necessary bridges and create relationships and experiences that ensure that Danish society does not lose a generation of new young citizens because they remain on the doorstep of Danish society rather than being included as an active and performing part of it [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] We offer an alternative method of integration, using hip hop — art, music, dance, and rap as a tool to get young people interested in the surrounding community, express thoughts and attitudes, and engage in community and project work with other young people. [.lightbox]
[.lightbox] The project has shown great results and has been highlighted, among other things, by European Commission as a good example of how the cultural sector can contribute to a better integration of refugees. [.lightbox]
We work with different workshop formats, performances and talks, which are based on topics such as inclusion, racism, being new to Denmark, a life on the run and generally feeling different due to ethnicity and cultural differences.
All of our projects have creative and inclusive elements. We are not here to explain to you how the world is connected, but to discuss it with you!