Rapolitics er en nonprofitorganisation stiftet i Danmark med base på Nørrebro i København. Siden 2009 har vi arbejdet med rap og andre urbane udtryk, demokratisk bevidstgørelse, medborgerskab og samfundsrelateret dialog med unge. Vores vision er at støtte ungdommen i at udtrykke sig og handle på deres holdninger. Vi møder unge i øjenhøjde og bruger hiphop til at relatere faglige emner til deres verdensbillede. Dette gør vi ved at afholde workshops på skoler, gymnasier, ungdomsklubber og andre institutioner for at komme ud og møde de unge dér, hvor de er. Foruden vores workshops, laver vi oplysende og engagerende projekter og afholder events for at skabe opmærksomhed omkring en række politiske emner og sprede positive budskaber gennem rap og hiphop. Vi har arbejdet med rappere, kunstnere og talere fra Iran, Palæstina, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Sydsudan, Grønland, Afghanistan, Indien, Syrien, Bolivia, Mexico, Sverige, Ukraine, Bangladesh og Kenya.
Vi opererer også ude i verden, hvor vi har lavet ungdomsstyrkende projekter i bl.a. Egypten, Sydsudan, Libanon, Bolivia, Jordan, Syrien, Palæstina, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Grækenland, Sverige og Norge.
Rapolitics består af en bestyrelse, et sekretariat, et rap-coach team og en frivilliggruppe.
Iris is a Danish/Bosnian artist, singer, songwriter and rapper. Her musical universe ranges from contemporary RnB and melodic neosoul to lyric-tinged hip-hop. In addition to working on new artistic projects, she is an energetic and experienced teacher, dedicated to creating a safe space of inclusion, smiles, learning and challenges. Iris has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2013.
MUSICKailash is formerly known as the producer and rapper” KÅ”. His uplifting and evocative productions combined with quirky and immediate lyrics and ear-hanging choruses invite the listener into a dreamy universe where the feast and the sorrows merge into electronic productions that make it hard for the listener not to bounce along. He has produced tracks for a host of well-known and established artists, such as Tobias Rahim, Benjamin Hav, Emil Kruse, Kidd, Marwan and others.
MUSICNøx is a rapper, songwriter and entrepreneur. In addition to the music she releases herself, she is a songwriter for both upcoming musicians, as well as established stations such as blah. Danish Radio. Nøx has also initiated the project Misfitz, which is Denmark's first rap school for young women and queers. She has just been recorded as the first rapper ever, on the line 'Musiker' at the Rytmik Musikconservatorium in Copenhagen. Nøx has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2015.
MUSICQ.Marzi is the ultimate showman. For a number of years he has used his musical platform as a driving force to open up the world of hip hop to children and young people, and in his many years in the rap game he has moved within several expressions that appeal to younger audiences. He has over 10 years of experience as a rap coach and has been an official host for Red Bull, Distortion, Roskilde Festival and Affiliated. Q.Marzi has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2016.
MUSICMeet Daakiki, the pioneering 26-year-old rapper who has solid footprints in the game and is known for his authenticity and versatility in music genres such as R&B, trap and hip-hop. With wins in RapKings and an impressive background as a rap teacher, Daakiki is more than just an artist. He is a sound maker who draws on life experience and passion to deliver music that touches the heart and inspires. From teaching rap to conquering scenes with his unique sound, Daakiki represents the start of a new era in Danish music.
MUSICAfropop med et nordisk twist. Det er den bedste måde at beskrive Taricks varme lyd, der instinktivt får folk op af deres stole og til det nærmeste dansegulv. Taricks musik er skandinaviske sommernætter under en tanzaniansk stjernehimmel, hvor nogle af de gennemgående lyriske elementer er hans kærlighed til moderlandets sprog, kultur og livstil. Tarick har spillet et hav af koncerter landet over, og optrådte bl.a. for 8.000+ mennesker på Roskilde Festival i 2023. Tarick har været rap-coach i Rapolitics siden 2022.
MUSIKFigi has a no bullshit attitude and made a name for herself by unstoppably throwing bars at her SoMe and participating in cyphers which have resulted in a lot of buzz. Musically, it's hard to put Figi in one box, but what goes again is her confident delivery, melodic skills and flair for writing rhymes. As upcomming, she has already had a sea of gigs at both festivals and clubs and is an exciting addition to the Danish hip hop scene.
MUSICDelivering catchy melodies and thoughtful lines, Silhouette is a master at swaddling meaningful messages into tangible lyrics. His deep voice goes hand in hand with the atmospheric productions that are in his music. He is a role model and an activist voice in his neighborhood and, with his 100+ concerts and 10+ years as a rap coach, is a leading figure on the Danish hip hop scene. Silhouette has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2013.
MUSICBoundless is a rapper, songwriter and activist. Emotional strength and respect for the craft. Boundless is not afraid to bare himself, or use his voice to put his finger on the pulse where society lags. Boundless has taught rap before in the project Misfitz. And several times been hired to participate in talks and debates about being a queer/AFAB person in the music industry.
MUSIC24-year-old Josefine Amalie Vinther Møller makes music under the name Josie Amadonna, with an attitude that is both charming and playful at the same time. Josie's flabbergasted punchlines and constantly shifting flowcharts strike like an avalanche of assertiveness and energy. She is all her own and with a raw honesty she hopes to inspire others to believe in themselves and live out their inner 'bad a** bitch'.
MUSICLemic is a rapper from Copenhagen who started writing poems at the age of 16, which later turned into rap. He is an extremely versatile artist who hits a wide spectrum within hip hop. He can go from punchline-heavy bars with technical flows over a trap-beat to soft melodies and melancholic lyrics. Lemic has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2022, and has since been hired as a project associate.
MÚSICAMund de Carlo has been releasing music since 2011 on his own label, Struglaz. The style is lyrical and technically focused, and he also releases music as part of the group Binary. He is a former finalist in MC's Fight Night, has played concerts at Roskilde Festival and Smukfest and been a lyricist and rapper on projects for Ramasjang, Gyldendal and Alinea. Mund de Carlo has more than 10 years of experience teaching rap and has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICKaka is best known for his lightning-fast machine-gun flow, or as Politik put it “The sharpest dancehall tongue”. This is evident in the hit numbers “Give Me a Smile” - “Reggaejam” and “Dansk dancehall” - the latter two appeared on his debut EP 'KAKA EP'. He has played on many of the major stages and festivals in Denmark, and his energy is unique and exuberant, and his smile infectious. Kaka has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICWith political fervor and a phenomenal flow, Manus Bell uses rap to convey his view of the world situation. His deep and recognizable voice has a sincerity that draws the listener into his serious themes. With 100+ concerts and two albums on his CV, Manus Bell has made his mark on the Danish hip hop scene. He has also taught rap for 10+ years, and is the co-owner and founder of the record label Affiliated. Manus Bell has been a rap coach since 2012, and in 2022 was hired as a director in Rapolitics.
MUSICWith more than 15 years as a rapper and lyricist, Cillian Mxrphy has a broad knowledge of hip hop. He takes up the craft and loves quirky puns, quaint lyrics and semantic kinks - and to rap fast. Since 2020, he has been part of the alternative duo Frit Løn, as well as having experience in music dissemination, as a longtime hip hop writer for Gaffa and his own music podcast Process Podcast.
MUSICWith his young age, Flammen wades into the rap scene with multi-rhymes, puns and language techniques that he believes are lacking in the new school. The flame comes from the underground battle-environment where he has learned to stand on stage. It has also taught him to freestyle, which is a staple of all his concerts, where he incorporates words from the audience. Although Flammen has only released music in a small year's time, he has already amassed 150,000+ streams on Spotify alone.
MUSICElias Ben Afia is a Danish-Tunisian rapper raised in Copenhagen. He is known in the Danish freestyle environment, as one of the absolute most skilled freestyle rappers and has won the DM in Freestyle rap in 2019. His humorous approach to his work has also gotten him into stand-up comedy. He combines these two things superbly in his show Grin & Rim. Elias Ben Afia has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2023.
MUSICSlalum er en rapper, producer, sangskriver, sanger, iværksætter og del af hiphop-kollektivet HVADCRU. Slalum trådte ind på rapscenen for 2 år siden og har med HVADCRU spillet koncerter rundt omkring i landet og afviklet undergrundskoncerter i Roskilde. Ud over den kommende plade fra HVADCRU, har hun et Slalum-soloprojekt på vej. Slalum har været rapcoach hos Rapolitics siden 2023.
MUSIKHis original punchlines, sharp observations and his very own take on serious topics, added tight and offbeat beats, together make up Carl Knast's utterly distinctive and highly addictive sound. When Carl takes the stage, it is with such compelling presence and with such intense energy that the audience can only surrender to the high fair. That the rapper has an eminent grip on his live show was evident in Gaffa's five-star review from his concert at Generator Festival in 2023.
MUSICYukka creates alternative rap and future R&B that uniquely intertwines the Egyptian and English languages. The rap lyrics are poetic and revolve around personal experiences and the identity shift experienced when you change your base in Egypt with a life in Denmark. She has played concerts throughout Denmark, and performed at Roskilde Festival in 2023. Yukka has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2011.
MUSICJuicyfine is a young up-and-coming artist from Copenhagen with a flair for rap, singing, melodies and text composition. Her music includes catchy hooks, soaring melodic toplines as well as intriguing lyrics that are expressed primarily in the form of realistic and relatable snapshots and storytelling. The genres range widely across the musical spectrum and are expressed through house, soul, pop, melodic trap, dancehall etc. For Juicy, music is a playful element, and she is clearly better at creating a different sound rather than a single genre.
SK1NNY is a Somali-born rapper raised in Copenhagen, and moved to London when he was 10 years old. Here he spent time exploring his interest in writing as well as learning about UK music culture, until he again moved back to Denmark. With a flair for punchlines, flow shifts and melodies, he captures the listener instantly. SK1NNY has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICHakami makes charming pop and RnB, which is at eye level with Denmark's youngsters. His calm aura combined with his honest stories forces listeners to let go and just flow with him. It's introvert music with an extroverted energy — the lyrics are touching and the music is impossible to stand still. Hakami has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICSom 6-årig fik Szim sin første guitar, men det var først som 17-årig, at hun for alvor begyndte at skrive tekster og rappe. I starten var det noget, hun kun gjorde for sig selv, indtil hun gennem en fætter hørte om et kommunalt hip hop studie i Gladsaxe. I 2020 tog hendes musikalske rejse for alvor fart og debut-singlen ’Pokus’ udkom. Siden har Szim udgivet flere singler og spillet utallige koncerter både i eget navn og som opvarmning for flere prominente navne.
MUSIKConradi is one of the country's best battlerrappers, co-organizer of the Danish freestyle rap championship and winner of the award “The Golden Minute” for DM in Freestyle-Rap in Pumpehuset in 2022 and Amager Bio in 2023. When he's not on stage or out teaching as a rap coach for Rapolitics, he's reading to a school teacher. Conradi has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICDen Lette Gade, who goes by the bourgeois name Aske Sjørvad, has made a comet career in Danish freestyle rap. After seven years on stage, he has won various underground tournaments, received a 'Golden Buzzer' in the TV2 programme 'Danmark har talent' and has won the Danish championship in freestyle rap three times. He also has a history in youth politics, which makes him a strong player for our community-relevant workshops and performances. Den Lette Gade has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICElbanovic is one of the country's top freestyle rappers with wins in MC's Fight Night and DM in Freestylerap on his resume. He is a trained rhetorician and plays with words again in his music, where he tells immersive stories with humorous lyrics on booming beats. Elbanovic has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2023.
MUSICAkaPelle is an experienced rapper, freestyler and producer with more than 13 years of experience in the hip hop game. He has previously won two bronze medals for DM in freestyle rap and, in addition to his own releases, has appeared on several mixtapes including Run For Cover's lockdown project. AkaPelle has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSIC“Sharp, energetic and equilibristic,” - this is how Soundvenue describes Danish rapper and singer Annelise. Annelise has come to rap. In addition, she is also an eminent singer. Annelise's concerts are bursting with energy and you can't help but get carried away by her insistent performance and convincing authority on stage. It's set up for one of those kinds of live performances that you shouldn't miss.
MUSICHam Den Lange is a legendary Danish rapper who is best known for his activities in the Danish freestyle environment such as MC's Fight Night. He has won the Golden Microphone, the Career Cannon and an Underground Music Award. Ham Den Lange does a lot of debate oriented and socially critical issues and has organized several events focusing on raising awareness and raising money for vulnerable areas and people. Ham Den Lange has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2016.
MÚSICAWith a fondness for lyricism and the Danish language, Funch is one of the proponents of the red thread and meaningful lyrics in Danish rap. He is part of the Copenhagen-based hip hop crew Echo Out, which houses a handful of the most skilled MC's in the country. Funch has two record releases in his back, and is constantly evolving about renewing his expression. There is always an inner dialogue going on, about how he can make rhymes and funny turns that have not been used in the same way before. Funch has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICFabeldyret is a writer and musician. He has been rapping since he was 11 years old, has more than 10 releases on his resume and has been teaching rap since 2012. Being bilingual, he fell in love with rap that has since opened up a world of words for him. A world he wants to pass on to his students. Fabelbeast has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2012.
MUSICRune Rim is a force of nature in corporeal form that lifts the mood and throws dimples on all kinds of creatures. He has collaborated with artists from all corners of the world and the sound of Rune Rim ranges from 90s boom bap to loFi hip hop with Asian instruments and assorted synthesizers and drum machines. Rune Rim has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2011.
MUSICEmil Oscar has a number of projects behind him, including Torrpedorr, Tomrum, Futte Fynbo etc. Emil Oscar has previously worked with Louis Currency and Kesi, Danish Dynamite, Sleiman, Tessa, Dean and many others. He teaches rap and songwriting, and is a tanned songwriter for several Danish names. Emil Oscar has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2021.
MUSICMorten Humme a Danish rapper, comedian and poetry slammer who has been part of the Danish hip hop environment since 1999. He is the co-founder of the independent record label Graven, as well as been part of the Danish rap battle scene for 10+ years. Humme has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2010.
MUSICIf one is to point to an artist who personifies the 2020s ideals of self-love, female-empowerment and artistic independence, the arrow should point to Danish Ju Kaia. With a rare original soundscape that can best be described as a hybrid of lively soul and sensitive R&B peppered with momentary detours to lofi hip-hop and big-laden pop, her larger-than-life personality hits right at the heart of the heart. Ju Kaia has been a rap coach in Rapolitics since 2022.
MUSICSpontaneous is a tanned rap coach with a sharp tongue and brain for lyricism. He has previously been part of the hip hop theatre group Bandit Entertainment and has since played at a lot of underground events in Copenhagen. Among other things, he has been writing a verse every Sunday for 209 weeks, and is now focusing on his upcoming hiphop/trap fusion EP. Spontaneous has been a rap coach at Rapolitics since 2012.
MUSICBar Z started writing lyrics at the age of 11. He grew up in Nørrebro and works daily with young people, helping to create positive development for them in society. In 2015, he starred for the first time on a public release with Eebz. This has led to record contracts, gold and platinum records and collaborations with great artists such as Benny Jamz, Branco and others. He is experienced in rap workshops for young people, focusing on lyrics writing, flows and recording.
Abbah [TZ] | Abigail Chams [TZ] | Abdul Dube | The Takeoff | Afshin Firouzi | Ajapilou | AkaPelle | Alessandra Gigi Staunstrup | Alkyes [TZ] | Allan Klie | Ali Sufi | Alvarado | AMRO | Amy Sarr | Anakin | Andre Saptefrati | Annelise | Arik | Ataf | Atusa | Aviaya | AYIRA [DE] | Ayman Mghames [PL] | Babak Vakili | Bar Z | Balloh & Ajay7 | Ballroom Association of Denmark | Baloosh | Bana Mutibwa | Benjamin Winberg | Bigg Mag | Binary | Bogfinkevej | Bruce Afrika [TZ] | Caespidor [ZW] | Carl Knaast | Caspar Éric | Cat Pattinama Coleman | Cha-D | CHIEF | Claudia Smith (actress) | Coco Gaston | Conradi | Daakiki | David D. Omni [CU] | Debattle | The Light Street | DFUNK | Figi | Diana Diamond | Dibset | DJ Hones | DJ Mof! yah | DJ Monapink | DJ MorOwl | DJ Nick Jones | DJ Saima | DJ Static | Dr Kenny [TZ] | Elbanović | Elijah ben Afia | Elias Seguja | Elijah Kashmir | Ellie Joker | Emil Oscar | The Fabulous Beast | Farshad Kholghi | Fatemeh Ekhtesari [IR] | The Flame | Freddy Kachawara [ZW] | Filuka | Fouli | Funch | Føns | Gio | Glenn Bech | Goldie6ies | Gry Christensen | Gry Stokkendahl | Limitless | Hadi Ka-koush | Hakami | Ham The Long | Ham From South | Hamorabi | Haidar Ansari | What Cru | Whomever | HUNNID22 | Hot Dog [SD] | Lobster | PRAYAS | Iliad Berrhili | Iris Poparic | Itare [TZ] | Jaden Castro | Jaivah [TZ] | Earl | Jennifer Tonndorf | Jimilian | Jimmy Summers | J.J. Paulo | Joey Moe | Johnson | Joseph Tarrak [GL] | Josie Amadonna | Juicyfine | Ju Kaia | Justin [IR] | Kærshovedgård Stories | Kaka | Karen Mukupa | Capipo [TZ] | KASer | Kailash | KCL | Khaled Harara [PL] | Khaled Barakeh [SEW] | Khana Aru Imanthata [STAY] | Claskedad | Conformal | Kontawa [TZ] | Nautical Chemistry | Kraninari [IN] | L.A.D.J. | Loki Deph | Kurami | Lemic | L.O.C. | Lucy Love | L.U.A.L. [SD] | Mads Ananda Lodahl | Malika | Mahamad Habane | Manilla Ghafuri | Manus Bell | Mapanch [TZ] | Mathias Findalen | Marwan | Maurice | Grand Advertencia [MX] | Maya Monopoly | Dave M.C. | MC Zomorfani [TZ] | Mellow | Melisa Pour | Mentor [ZW] | MD | Mikas Lang | Milez | Mirra Pro [TZ] | The Misfitz | Morgan Hemmingshøj | Mund De Carlo | Munni “Munnimouse” Chowdhury | Nada | Nadia Mimi | Nadia Tehran [SEE] | Nadin Burqan | Nadeen Aiche | Nafisa Fidow | Nagin Ravand | Naija Gyal | Naiha Khiljee | Negist Eshetu | Nella | N3LLY | Nicklas Bertelsen | Nima Rezai | Nina Rose | Nixen | Nøx | OTOY [UA] | Okello | Olivia Lincoln | Omar | Osama Alkanj | Outlandish | Papaye | Patricia Katsiru [ZW] | Pede B | Clown | Blanket | Per Verse | Platforms | The pretext | STICKS | Prity (album) [BD] | Prince Henry | Priscilla Hortense | Q.Marzi | Ravi Kuma | Rebecca Kjerstad | Refugees of Rap [SEW] | Pure Reflex | Reveal Party | Rezwan Farm | Roba Al-Sharkawi | Rosa Lois Balle Yahiya | Rune Horse | Sabaah | Rune Rim | Sabitha Söderholms | Sandra Hussein | Sanganee | Sara Rahmeh | Scandi | Semphiz | Serqininguak Ketura [GL] | Shakala | Shoko (Shoko album) | Shooter Gang | Silhouette | Stenfors | Strickly Silk [TO] | Slalom | Smiley | Blackglove | SK1NNY | Steffen Gray | Spontaneous | Szym | Tarick | Tandem | Tatenda Churu [ZW] | Tay | Tessa | The Mental Cuties Club | TKAY | Tina Mweni | Trepac | Urban Connection | USO | Veronica Bluguermann | Vinnie | Wafande | Wayne Rap [STAY] | William Short | Yeyo [TZ] | Yukka | Yuwanite | Zaki | ZUUZ